Speak Out for Animals
Help End Animal Testing: Support the FDA Modernization Act 3.0
Help Ban the International Shark Fin Trade
Urge Chanel to Stop Using Ostrich Feathers in Their Designs
NY Live Animal Markets - Hotbeds of Cruelty and Zoonotic Disease
Hold Animal Welfare Act Violators Accountable
Boycott Cruel Dolphin Encounters
Urge Iceland to Ban Whale Hunting
Help Stop Cruel Sports Events at the Chitwan Elephant Festival
Call on FIFA to Demand an End to Dog Slaughter in Morocco
Stop US Military Animal Experiments
Help End Cruel Animal Trapping
The San Francisco Zoo is Unfit for Pandas - Speak Out!
Baby Chicks Ground Up Alive in the USA – Help Stop the Cruelty
Help Protect Tribal Heritage and North American Keystone Species
Tell Congress to Pass the Captive Primate Safety Act
Live Lobsters are Shipped Around the Country: Speak Out
Tell Fendi Fur’s Time is UP
Protect U.S. Octopuses from Commercial Farming
Spanish Bull Torture Must End - Speak Out!
End Wildlife Killing Contests on Public Lands
End US Involvement In Donkey Skin Trade
Make it Illegal to Run Animals Over with Snowmobiles
Demand Justice For The Wolf Who Was Tormented and Killed
Ban the Import of Hunting Trophies
Prevent the Slaughter of 500,000 Owls in the Pacific Northwest
Demand Legal Protection for Octopuses in the EU
Help Stop the Biggest Monkey Breeding Facility in the United States
Retire Tina the LA Zoo Elephant to Sanctuary
Help Ensure Animal Testing Victims Are Given a Second Chance
Ban Foie Gras in the United States
Letter: Relist Wolves on the Endangered Species List
Petition: Relist Wolves on the Endangered Species List
Stop the Torture of Animals for Cosmetics
Speak Out to Help Stop the EATS Act
Hold SeaWorld Orlando Accountable for Neglect
Take Action: Inhumane Mink Farms are Spreading Covid
Ban Horse Carriages in NYC
Stop the World's First Octopus Factory Farm
Oppose the Corrupt 'Dairy Pride Act'
Ask Bojangles to Add a Plant-based Chicken Sandwich to their Menu
Help Prohibit Animal Circuses in the US
Demand the U.S. Government Stops Importing Monkeys for Experiments
End Cruel Animal Dissections in Schools
Tell New York to Stop Bailing Out the Cruel Horse Racing Industry
Tell Petsmart, Petco, Chewy.com to Stop Supporting Beagle Torture
End Whale Captivity in the United States
Tell Harvard to End Torturous Experiments on Mothers and Baby Monkeys
Tell Louis Vuitton to Stop Selling Crocodile Skin
Urge Amazon to Stop Supporting the Donkey Skin Trade
Tell Vietnam's Capital to Ban Dog Meat
Stop Royal Caribbean from Shipping Monkeys to Labs
Help Save American Horses from Slaughter
Stop the Inhumane Roundups of America’s Wild Horses
Help Outlaw the Sale of Kangaroo Body Parts in the US
Stop Bears in the US from Being Killed for Bear Bile
Help Grizzly Bears Keep ESA Protections
Help Make it Illegal to Chain Dogs Outside in New York
Urge Canada to End its Commercial Seal Hunt that Beats Pups to Death
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