Three Victories for Animals We Must Fight to Protect
With a new administration taking office, we are highlighting three critical victories for animals achieved in the final days of the 118th Congress and during the end of President Joe Biden’s time in office. These wins are worth celebrating, but they also remind us of the work ahead to ensure progress isn’t reversed in this new political landscape.
Together we helped to:
Defeat the “Dairy Pride Act,”. This misguided bill aimed to ban plant-based products from using terms like “milk” or “cream cheese,” even though studies show consumers are not confused by these labels. Backed by the powerful Dairy lobby, this unnecessary bill failed because informed individuals, including thousands of members of this community, spoke out in favor of innovation and common sense.
Stop the EATS Act. This dangerous legislation threatened to strip states of their rights to pass and enforce stronger animal welfare standards. Over 11,000 Species Unite followers spoke out against the harmful bill, which ultimately failed, thanks to widespread bipartisan opposition.
Protect grizzly bears. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service preserved Endangered Species Act protections for grizzlies, rejecting politically motivated efforts by Wyoming and Montana to delist this keystone species.
These victories are a testament to what we can achieve together, and we are so grateful for your support. Thank you for signing and sharing our petitions, raising awareness, and standing up for animals.
Unfortunately the fight is far from over, and new threats are already emerging. A new bill, H.R.281, has already been introduced in Congress to remove grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem from endangered species protections. The upcoming Farm Bill could also bring back harmful legislation like the EATS Act or introduce new threats to animal welfare.
With these new threats on the horizon, it is crucial that we protect the victories we've won. Species Unite is committed to ensuring these gains aren’t undone and will continue building on past successes to secure further progress for animals.
Our community has proven time and again that we have the power to drive meaningful change for animals. Now more than ever, we must rally together to prioritize compassionate legislation. Many animal welfare issues are bipartisan, and together we can educate lawmakers about why these protections matter.
Let’s keep the momentum going and create lasting change for animals.