Spanish Bull Torture Must End - Speak Out!


Sign the Petition

Please join Species Unite in urging the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, to finally put a stop to thousands of years of animal cruelty by banning bullfighting in Spain.

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Every year 250,000 bulls are violently slaughtered around the world in cruel and archaic bullfights.

Thousands of the innocent victims of this gruesome “sport” are killed in Spain, the nation that is most famous for this vicious, outdated, pastime.

Unfortunately, American tourists are frequent attendants at Spanish bullfights. However, studies have shown that 90% of these tourists never watch another bullfight, as most leave shocked and horrified by the unthinkable cruelty they witness in the bullring.  

The thousands of bulls who lose their lives every year in Spanish bullfights not only die cruel, violent deaths, they also suffer unthinkable tortures before they are killed.

Before the bulls are sent into the ring to be slaughtered, they are subjected to a number of brutal torments designed to weaken them so that they are easier to kill. These practices can include keeping them in small dark spaces where they are deprived of food and water, giving them tranquilizers and laxatives, rubbing petroleum in their eyes to impair their vision, hanging heavy weights around their necks, and violently beating them.

Once these innocent, suffering animals are sent into the ring they are faced with men on horseback called picadors, whose job is to torment the bull into charging their horses so that they can spear the bulls in their necks or shoulders with long lances.

This part of the twisted event is also very dangerous for the horses and hundreds of horses are killed in bullfights each year.

These picadors are followed by a second group of men who enter the ring on foot called banderilleros, their job is to stab the bulls in the necks with four wooden darts which force the bulls to lower their heads and makes it even easier for the final act of this sick performance, when the bulls are finally killed.

After the bulls are thoroughly weakened, bleeding, blinded, and suffering incredible pain and stress the cowardly and sadistic bullfighters known as matadors, which translates to killers, enter the ring to finish them off.

After tormenting the bulls a little longer, they stab them between the shoulder blades to paralyze them and then, often while the bulls are still alive, they cut off their ears and tails and declare themselves great victors for their sick act of animal torture.

This is not art. This is not culture. This is disgraceful, violent, sociopathic, cruelty and it must stop.    

For hundreds of years in ancient Rome human gladiators fought each other to the death in a similar violent blood sport. Thankfully human beings are capable of evolving and those fights to the death were eventually outlawed. Spain is failing to evolve while many other nations are getting with the times, opening their eyes to true horrors of bullfighting, and banning this outdated and brutal activity.

Just this year Colombia joined Argentina, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Italy, and the United Kingdom in banning bullfighting. Spain should follow their lead and finally put a stop to this cruel, archaic, and immoral sport.

Take Action Now

Please join Species Unite in urging the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, to finally put a stop to thousands of years of animal cruelty by banning bullfighting in Spain.

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