Support the Tribal Heritage and American Bison, Grizzly Bear, and Wolf Restoration and Coexistence Act 

U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and U.S. House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ-7.) have just introduced groundbreaking legislation in the United States Senate and House of Representatives that could finally be the key to permanently safeguarding American bison, grizzly bears, and gray wolves. The Tribal Heritage and American Bison, Grizzly Bear, and Wolf Restoration and Coexistence Act would establish permanent federal protections for these three species and expand recovery efforts and coexistence measures.

The bill is designed to help end the ongoing mass slaughter of crucial keystone North American species on public lands. If passed, this game-changing federal legislation would prohibit “the take, possession, purchase, sale, or transportation” of bison, grizzly bears, and wolves, among other provisions.

The measure comes at a crucial time for gray wolves and grizzly bears, as both face the serious risk of losing their already limited protections. The Biden administration has recently asked the 9th U.S. District Court of Appeals to lift the remaining Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves, while state-level politicians in Montana and Wyoming have been pressuring the federal government to remove Endangered Species Act protections from grizzly bears as well.

The Tribal Heritage and American Bison, Grizzly Bear, and Wolf Restoration and Coexistence Act would provide critical safeguards aimed at preserving these species and their habitats.

The proposed legislation also seeks to enhance existing tribal management authorities over these species by creating oversight committees that work in unison with Indian tribes to identify tribal lands suitable for possible reintroduction efforts.

American bison, grizzly bears, and gray wolves hold profound cultural significance for Indigenous peoples in North America. Unfortunately, these species were hunted to near extinction during the 19th and 20th centuries, leading to extreme environmental degradation of the lands they once roamed. Advocates say that reestablishing their presence and prohibiting future eradication efforts will help restore the health of these vital ecosystems.

This bill will not only protect these beloved symbols of the American West, but it will also provide environmental and economic benefits to the communities in the area. The 1995 gray wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park not only rebalanced elk and deer populations, allowing vegetation to flourish, but it also revitalized the ecosystem and boosted ecotourism revenue to over $80 million annually for the region. Grizzly bears and bison also play crucial roles in regulating prey populations and enhancing plant growth, further increasing biodiversity.

These three species have called North America home for thousands of years, and they deserve to live in peace, safe from overhunting and irrational aggression on the lands where they coexisted with Indigenous peoples long before the arrival of European settlers. This monumental bill could make all the difference in building a future where these animals and their environment can once again thrive.

Please reach out to your U.S. House Member and Senators and urge them to do the right thing by co-sponsoring the Tribal Heritage and American Bison, Grizzly Bear, and Wolf Restoration and Coexistence Act.