Progress! NY Dog Protection Bill Reintroduced

Based in New York, Species Unite has long advocated for the adoption of a new state law aimed at protecting dogs from suffering and prolonged exposure to harsh weather conditions, as New York is one of 27 states where dogs can legally be kept chained outside full-time, with no statewide protections to safeguard them.

This important bill, Assembly Bill A630, has just been reintroduced by New York State Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal, and it would make it illegal to chain dogs outside between the hours of 7 PM and 6 AM. This pragmatic legislation could save countless dogs in New York from painful exposure to the elements and even death.

New York is often credited with being a leader in the United States on animal welfare initiatives. Unfortunately, when it comes to passing common-sense legislation that would spare dogs in New York from unnecessary suffering by banning overnight chaining, the state has repeatedly failed to act. With the reintroduction of Assembly Bill A630, New York has the opportunity to take meaningful action and make a lasting difference for dogs across the state.

While the United States continues to lag behind in enacting strong animal welfare laws, other nations are making strides to protect animals.

For example, Estonia is on the verge of banning dog chaining across the country. A new law is being drafted that would require dogs kept outdoors to be housed either in enclosures or fenced-in areas. Kadri Kaugerand, the head of the food safety department at Estonia's Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, explained the significance of the bill, noting:

"Society has evolved. We now see animals as social family members who need care and attention, and we can't just leave them chained up. Times have changed, and this issue has become more relevant. We need to address it and break the myths that a chain is an appropriate place for a dog and that animals should be kept on chains."

Species Unite agrees that society has evolved, and it’s high time this law is passed so dogs in New York are kept safe. You can help us build momentum for the newest version of this vital bill by signing our petition and sharing with your networks. 

Together, we can save dogs from suffering!


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