L.A. Zoo Once Again Ranks Worst for Elephants

In Defense of Animals has recently released its 20th annual list of the 10 Worst Zoos for Elephants in North America, and for the second year in a row, the Los Angeles Zoo, home to senior elephants Tina and Billy, tops the list.

Tina continues to live in isolation under painfully inadequate conditions, with far too little space. Meanwhile, the L.A. Zoo persists in neglecting its responsibility to address the suffering of its senior elephants, failing to plan for their proper retirement and the eventual end of its harmful elephant program.

This stands in sharp contrast to other zoos that are finally taking meaningful steps to improve the lives of elephants in their care. This year, In Defense of Animals introduced a new award recognizing the Oakland Zoo for its compassionate treatment of elephants after the zoo made the commendable decision to send its last African elephant, Osh, to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. Additionally, after being named the 10th Worst Zoo for Elephants this year, the Phoenix Zoo announced it will permanently close its elephant exhibit once Indu, its lone 59-year-old Asian elephant who has endured decades of substandard care and isolation, passes away.

Despite these positive developments elsewhere, the L.A. Zoo stubbornly refuses to follow the example of other zoos across the nation. It continues to deny accusations that its elephants are not receiving the care and quality of life they deserve. Time is running out for Tina to have a chance at sanctuary. According to Courtney Scott, Elephant Consultant for In Defense of Animals, “Premature aging and death are the unavoidable consequences of keeping elephants in captivity.”

Tina is a resilient survivor of the cruel circus industry, and she deserves to spend her final years in peace, freedom, and appropriate companionship.

Together, we can keep the pressure on until the L.A. Zoo has no choice but to do the right thing!


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