Stop Royal Caribbean from Shipping Monkeys to Labs
Credit: Amy Jones/Moving Animals
Sign the Petition
Please join Species Unite today in telling Royal Caribbean that they must put pressure on WAMOS Air to stop these shipments.
WAMOS Air is a little-known Spanish airline owned in part by Royal Caribbean that has taken advantage of its relative obscurity to profit off an industry that is so cruel and twisted most major airlines will not stoop to participate despite financial gain; the transport of macaque monkeys across the world to die slow and torturous deaths in laboratories.
The monkeys that are transported by WAMOS air are packed into small wooden shipping crates and are sometimes in transit for more than 24 hours. These highly intelligent, sensitive animals are forced to sit in their own urine, feces and blood crowded together and terrified in the cargo holds of WAMOS Airplanes without sufficient access to food and water and without proper ventilation while they are sent to lonely lives of terrible suffering.
Royal Caribbean and WAMOS Air are making money off cruelty without cause, and it must be stopped!
In November 2021, 700 monkeys were transported by WAMOS Air from Cambodia to Houston in such horrific conditions that some died before reaching their destination. The poor innocent monkeys who lost their lives due to the greed and utter negligence of WAMOS Air and Royal Caribbean might be considered the lucky ones, however, as the fate of the monkeys who arrived, weakened but alive, in laboratories in Texas is far worse than death.
Over 108,000 primates are imprisoned in the United States every year and subjected to torturous experiments. Studies show that 90% of monkeys kept in labs display signs of physical and psychological abuse and many go insane in captivity, exhibiting behaviors such as rocking back and forth, pulling out their hair and biting their own flesh. The vast majority are eventually killed and dissected as a reward for all this pain in the name of highly unreliable science.
It has been proven repeatedly that animal testing does not work and despite our similarities with primates, we are still not similar enough for these tests to reliably predict outcomes in humans. Most of these experiments do not lead to any medical advances and there have been cases of drugs passing animal trials that have then caused serious harm to human users.
Take Action Now
Please join Species Unite today in telling Royal Caribbean that they must put pressure on WAMOS Air to stop these shipments and share this petition so that this immoral, greedy, corporate behavior becomes public knowledge!