Changing the Narrative for Wolves

In Wyoming, a horrendous act of animal cruelty has occurred and shocked people across the country. Cody Roberts of Daniel, Wyoming, mercilessly ran over a young wolf with his snowmobile.

He then silenced the animal's cries by taping his mouth shut and paraded him around his local bar. After tormenting the wolf, Roberts dragged him outside the back of the establishment and shot him dead.

Roberts has received a $250 fine.

Use Your Voice for Wolves

Species Unite is calling for justice for the wolf tormented and killed by Cody Roberts in Wyoming and pushing for the US Secretary of the Interior to relist wolves on the Endangered Species List. Your voice is powerful, and we need as many people as possible to speak for wolves before it’s too late.

Will you also help us ramp up our efforts to change the narrative for America's wolves by making a donation? 

Species Unite relies on the generosity of people like you to continue changing the narrative for animals. Please consider making a gift today.


Join The Wolves In School Program

Designed to teach children about the importance of protecting wolves to maintain a balanced ecosystem, the Species Unite humane wolf education program is a crucial step in building a new generation of animal activists. Our goal is to expand this initiative to every state in the US, reaching hundreds of schools and over 100,000 students.

Learn more here or download your free education pack by filling out this form.

What Grade Do You Teach?*

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