“Now Is The Time!”: Why You Should Foster or Adopt a Shelter Animal During Isolation

With shelters overcrowded and understaffed during the Coronavirus outbreak, lonely animals are looking for some company, just like us. 

Credit: Amy Jones/Moving Animals

Credit: Amy Jones/Moving Animals

As more and more people isolate themselves indoors during the Coronavirus pandemic, animal rescue organizations are thankfully reporting an upturn in applications for foster care and adoption.

Many shelters have been overwhelmed as staff and volunteers become unable to work due to the virus. There’s also been an increase in owners surrendering their companion animals during these uncertain times.

The good news is that many organizations are seeing a “surge” in foster applications as people look to keep themselves company with an animal companion. 

"I think people are gravitating towards pets during this time of uncertainty because they can serve as a source of comfort," Julie Castle, CEO of Best Friends Animal Society Castle told CBS News. "The companionship of pets has been shown to reduce stress and lower anxiety, helping people to feel calmer and more secure when the news from the outside world is distressing."

Whilst some rescues and shelters are able to cover the costs for foster animals, not all of them can afford to. Groups like non-profit organization Susie’s Senior Dogs (SSD) have announced “foster sponsorships” for those in the United States, which will help people foster by offering to cover any costs.

“If you have the ability to foster but are worried about added expenses, SSD will cover the costs of any food, supplies and/or medications for however long you are able to foster!”, they wrote on Facebook.

They explained, “on top of the typical need for fosters and adopters, right now shelters will be even more overcrowded, understaffed and with limited or no volunteers. Uncertain times also result in more in owner surrenders and intake numbers. Now is the time to foster!”.  

If you’re in the US and would like to foster or adopt a companion animal, you can find your local shelter here.

Species Unite

A collection of stories of those who fight the good fight on behalf of animals.


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