A weekly round-up of the most important animal stories happening around the world.
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Slaughter Line Speeds Just Got Faster at Three U.S. Pig Processing Plants
To the dismay of food safety and animal advocates, the USDA has approved increased line speeds as part of a one-year trial period to increase profits and production.
Victory! Utah Bill That Could Have Seen Puppy Mills Move to the State is Halted
The legislation, which would have restricted regulations on businesses that exploit animals, has been halted thanks to strong opposition from advocates, including the Species Unite community.
This New Bill Could See Puppy Mills Move to Utah
A new animal welfare bill is making its way through Utah's legislature. If passed, businesses including puppy mills, circuses, and factory farms will be completely unregulated.
Former Nestle Dairy Supplier to be Prosecuted for Multiple Counts of Animal Cruelty
After a grueling investigation and lengthy three-year legal battle by Animal Outlook, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania has ordered the DA to prosecute the dairy mega-farm.
The Cost of Cheap Chicken Exposed in New York Times Video
The footage, documented by Mercy for Animals, reveals the terrible truth of what chickens experience on factory farms.
Over 681,000 Farmed Animals in the U.S. Died In Barn Fires In 2021
Campaigners are calling for companies to take urgent action over potentially preventable barn after fires hundreds of thousands of animals perish.
Experts Dismayed as World's First Octopus Farm Nears Completion
Spanish firm Nueva Pescanova Group prepares to open a farm capable of producing 3,000 tonnes of octopus per year in 2023.
Octopuses, Crabs, Lobsters, and More to be Recognized as Sentient Beings Under UK Law
The science that decapods and cephalopods can feel pain is now irrefutable after a new study reviewed hundreds of scientific papers on pain reception among the invertebrate groups.
Thousands of Farmed Animals Killed By Canada Floods
“Terrible, terrible disaster” strikes British Columbia as heavy rainfall leaves hundreds of farms submerged underwater.
360 Beagle Puppies Bred for Experiments Found Dead at Breeding Mill
The investigation draws attention to the extreme abuse inherent in the animal experimentation industry.
Animals Recognized As ‘Legal Persons’ In U.S. Court First
The United States legal system defines animals as ‘property’, with their legal rights closer to inanimate objects rather than living beings. Now, for the first time, a legal ruling has recognized a community of wild hippopotamus as legal persons.
Chicks Crushed and Macerated While Fully Conscious By Top U.S. Chicken Producer
A new expose by animal investigation group Animal Outlook reveals cruelty and abuse at a Case Farms hatchery.
10,000 People Sign Petition to Help End the Donkey Skin Trade
Animal advocacy group Species Unite is calling for the Kenyan government to reinstate their ban on the slaughter of donkeys.
Suffering and Abuse Exposed at Fish Slaughterhouse Supplying Kroger
Investigators filmed the aquatic animals slowly suffocating and being slaughtered while fully conscious.
Breaking: France Bans Egg Industry from Crushing and Gassing Male Chicks From 2022
In a world-first, France will join Germany in the prohibition of culling male chicks following years of protests over ethical concerns.
'Historic Moment' for America’s Horses, As New Amendment Aims To Completely Outlaw Their Slaughter For Human Consumption
Congress given a 'prime opportunity' to finally close a legal loophole that has allowed over one million American horses to be trucked across state lines to their deaths.
Rare Case Of H3N2 Swine Flu In Humans Detected In Canada
This is the third swine flu variant to hit the Manitoba province this year.
Animals Formally Recognized as Sentient Beings in Historic New UK Law
Government reforms set to prohibit most live animal exports, ban imports of trophy hunting, and outlaw the sale of foie gras.
Horse Meat Trade Condemned For Flying Live Horses Around the World For Slaughter
Thousands of live horses are sent on cramped, long-haul flights from the likes of Canada and France so that they can be slaughtered for human consumption.
Fire At Arizona Farm Kills Over 165,000 Hens
Only three ‘barns’ were caught in the fire, revealing just how tightly-packed together the tens of thousands of animals were inside.