Write for Species Unite

Species Unite is looking for well-written stories focusing on content that informs, inspires, and engages our audience with topics surrounding animal rights. Our mission is to reduce animal suffering and advocate for a world of co-existence. We are committed to transforming the way people think about and interact with nonhuman animals by focusing on three core pillars:

  1. Empowering Change Through Solutions: We provide well-researched, practical solutions to help individuals transition away from animal products. By equipping people with knowledge and tools, we make sustainable and compassionate choices more accessible.

  2. Amplifying Stories of Advocacy: Through our media platform, we share the stories of individuals and organizations fighting against injustice toward nonhuman animals worldwide. These stories inspire action, spark conversations, and highlight the urgent need for systemic change.

  3. Driving Campaigns for Co-Existence: We lead campaigns that advocate for a better world—one where all species can live with dignity and respect. From influencing public opinion to mobilizing our growing community, we are dedicated to creating meaningful change.

Here are some examples you might cover:

  • An informative piece to educate readers on issues or solutions. E.g: Why Animal Testing Needs to End Now” or “What is Cultured Meat? Everything You Need to Know.”

  • A written interview with a prominent animal activist, designer, philosopher, etc. 

  • A plant-based food or fashion guide focusing on a particular topic, e.g: “The Ultimate Guide to Animal-Free Leather Handbags” or “How to Have a Plant-based Thanksgiving.” 

How to pitch:

Please send your pitch including the following to amy@speciesunite.com

  • A working headline and estimated word count.

  • One paragraph explaining the story you want to write. This paragraph should tell us how the proposed story fits in with our mission.

  • 3-5 bullet points of the points you want to include in the story and the people you will seek quotes from.

  • If you haven’t written for us before, include links to recently published work or a CV.

Our rate depends on the piece. E.g. for an 800-word story, we would pay $150.

If you have an idea but you’re not sure if it fits properly, feel free to reach out.