Hyper-Realistic Robotic Dolphins Set to Revolutionise Marine Entertainment
New footage shows an incredible animatronic dolphin in action, as marine parks look towards more ethical and sustainable attractions.
The robotic dolphin in action. Credit: Edge Innovations
Cutting-edge designers have unveiled the world’s first robotic dolphin, which mimics the look and movements of its real-life counterparts.
In incredible footage, the prototype dolphin is seen swimming and interacting with humans, and shows the exciting potential for a sustainable new era for animal tourism.
As Sea World and other marine parks face increasing criticism for subjecting highly intelligent and sociable marine animals to a lifetime of captivity, businesses and tourists alike are looking for new ways to enjoy, and learn about, dolphins and other sea life.
The company behind the innovative design, Edge Innovations, is hopeful that animatronics such as their prototype dolphin, will replace the exploited animals currently held captive in aquariums and sea parks around the world.
Edge Innovations say that the robots “can work all day long, don't need food and don't mind taking endless selfies with visitors. They can run for 10 hours without charging, with a 10-year lifespan living in saltwater together with live fish!”.
The designs have already won the support of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), who awarded the tech company an Innovator for Animals Award.
“These visionary designers have thrown a lifeline to sensitive dolphins who are exploited in ‘swim with dolphins’ encounters and archaic marine parks,” PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said. “PETA is honoring them for making waves with this high-tech invention that lets people get up close to dolphins without harming them.”
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