S11. E3: Poorva Joshipura: Survival at Stake

“…but what's happening lately is that mink on fur farms have been starting to be infected with H5n1 bird flu. So, the World Health Organization is worried that this disease is now changing to better infect mammals. Of course, we are mammals. And of course, if it's on fur farms, there's human mammals on the fur farms who can be infected by the bird flu, just the same way that COVID kept pinging back and forth between animals and fur farms and the humans who work there. And so this is a real concern because it’s a 60% mortality rate, I mean, that can wipe out most of humanity.” – Poorva Joshipura

Poorva Joshipura has spent her entire career at PETA. She’s currently PETA’s Senior Vice President of International Affairs. 

Poorva’s second book, Survival at Stake, was just released. It’s about how we treat animals and how our current ways of doing things, from factory farming to animal testing to the use of animals in materials and everywhere else we exploit them greatly affects us all. 

Our treatment of animals is linked to pandemics, epidemics, antibiotic resistance, climate change, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and many other horrors that humans and the planet are currently facing. It’s all connected and unless we change how we treat animals, and remove them from all of the systems that they’re innocent victims of, things don’t look so good for our survival as a species. 

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In gratitude,

Elizabeth Novogratz

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S11. E4: Dr. Faraz Harsini: Vegan Leaders of the Future


S11. E2: Mark Vins: Brave Wilderness