S11. E20: Katherine Baxter: Elephants Don’t Like Sunflowers
“So, this relationship to ourselves, to other people, to other animals - whether farm animals or wild animals, it’s very bizarre how we have gotten it so twisted in what we expect and what we feel entitled to over here in the Global North.”
Katherine Baxter is the CEO of the Africa Network for Animal Welfare-USA (ANAW). ANAW-USA works to advance the welfare of animals, humans and the environment by facilitating mutually beneficial and reciprocal exchanges between the United States and Africa.
Their mission is to work with their sister organization in Kenya, ANAW, and other partners, to advance the inseparable welfare of animals, humans, and the environment by facilitating mutually beneficial exchanges of resources and knowledge between the United States and Africa.
I asked Katherine to come on the show to talk about ANAW and some of ANAW's coexistence programs in Kenya, including an incredible sunflower project that has solved huge problems with human-elephant conflict.
It makes me crazy that we in the US are incredibly resistant to many (or most) coexistence programs, yet our stakes are pretty low. In the US, if a wolf kills a sheep, the rancher is reimbursed and except for that of the poor sheep, life goes on. Whereas in villages close to Tsavo National Park in Kenya, people lose entire crops to elephant herds, are financially ruined, and some even lose their lives - yet they are much more willing to explore and try coexistence programs that benefit all - the crops, the people and the elephants.
If we want to live in a country where wildlife and predators still roam, then we need to put the guns down and start paying attention to ideas and initiatives like the ones that Katherine talks about here. We have much to learn.
Please listen and share.
In gratitude,
Elizabeth Novogratz
Learn more about the Africa Network for Animal Welfare-USA
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