S9. E13: Hanne Strager: The Killer Whale Journals

“I also heard the sounds of killer whales. They were calling to each other loud and clear. these melodious whistles and calls which went right into my ear pieces. I realized that even if I couldn't see them, they were there somewhere beneath me in the ocean. They were communicating with each other. They were staying in contact. It was like a big family.” - Hanne Strager


Hanne Strager is a biologist, whale researcher, and author. She is the co-founder of the Andenes Whale Centre in Norway and she has served as the Director of Exhibitions at the Natural History Museum of Denmark. She's written many books. Her most recent, The Killer Whale Journals, was released on April 3rd. It's a compilation about killer whales, killer whales in Hannah's life and killer whales throughout history. And it is extraordinary.

Please listen and share.

In gratitude,

Elizabeth Novogratz

Learn More about Hanne

Read Hanne’s Book

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