Over 50,000 Petition Signatures Delivered to Congress in Support of the Ejiao Act
In a significant development for our campaign to end U.S. involvement in the donkey skin trade, Elizabeth Novogratz met with a member of Congressman Don Beyer’s staff last week to deliver over 50,000 petition signatures in support of the Ejiao Act.
Representative Beyer is one of the leading animal allies in Congress and the original sponsor of this crucial bill that would “prohibit the transportation, sale, and purchase of donkeys or donkey hides for the purpose of producing ejiao,” and “prohibit the transportation, sale, and purchase of products containing ejiao.”
This incredible community came together to raise over 50,000 signatures, showing Representative Beyer that there is substantial support for his bill and that he should continue fighting to get this important legislation passed into law. We have also provided him with a tool to share with his colleagues, demonstrating that voters across the country believe banning ejiao is the right thing to do.
Representative Beyer’s team has asked us to take our support to the next level by helping our community reach out to more members of Congress directly. Letters from constituents can significantly influence lawmakers to support key bills. We have created a form letter to make this process as easy as possible for you. Simply enter your name and address, and a letter will be sent to your member of the House of Representatives, letting them know that you want them to help pass the Ejiao Act!