Washington DC Finally Bans The Sale of Elephant Ivory and Rhino Horn

The new law will put an end to the “thriving” ivory market in DC and help protect the world’s dwindling elephant and rhinoceros populations.


A new law has banned the sale of elephant ivory and rhino horn in Washington, DC after undercover investigators and campaigners found the state’s ivory market to be “thriving”.

The Elephant Ivory and Rhino Horn Trafficking Prohibition Act bans the sale of elephant ivory and rhino horn within the state. 

Wildlife experts hope that the act will help support the world’s rapidly dwindling elephant and rhinoceros populations - animals that face the increasing threat of wildlife poaching due to demand for their body parts. 

Whilst the federal government already has prohibitions on importing goods from endangered animals, there is no regulation on trading such goods within a state. Now, the new law will bring Washington DC in line with other cities and states that have also independently banned ivory and rhino horn sales. 

“Most people expect that ivory and rhino horn sales have already been done away with,” said Max Broad, founder of DC Voters for Animals. “This law puts that expectation into place, clamping down on the goods that are driving the demise of the precious species. It’s an exemplary display of DC values.”

A recent undercover investigation conducted by campaign group Humane Society International (HSI) found a full, carved elephant tusk priced at $600,000 and an ivory gameboard priced at $48,000, among dozens of items found for sale in the capital.

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