Watch: New Short Film "Invisible" Follows Undercover Animal Investigators

The We Animals Media production offers an “unprecedented glimpse” into the secretive, harrowing role of undercover investigators.

Undercover investigators play a brave and vital role within animal advocacy, with their covert visits to farms and slaughterhouses helping to show the outside world the exploitation that animals are facing. This difficult and harrowing work is shrouded in secrecy, with investigators remaining anonymous for their own safety.

Now, a new short film from We Animals Media offers a powerful and unprecedented glimpse into the lives of two undercover investigators, ‘Emily’ and ‘Sarah’, as they visit a pig farm in Europe. The pair reveal what drives them to continue this difficult work, and the personal and psychological toll of the investigations. 

Watch the revealing documentary: 

Species Unite

A collection of stories of those who fight the good fight on behalf of animals.


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