Los Angeles City Council Votes Unanimously For Ban on Rodeos
The proposed ordinance, which would prohibit rodeo events in the city of LA, will now be drafted and reviewed before going to a final vote.
The Los Angeles City Council has voted unanimously in favor of a rodeo ban ordinance that will prohibit rodeo events in the city.
City council members voted in favor of the ban 14 to 0 with one absentee on December 5.
Following the successful vote, the city attorney will now draft an ordinance - a piece of legislation enacted by city officials - that outlines the ban on rodeos, before it goes back to the council for a final vote.
LA councilmember Bob Blumenfield has championed the outlawing of rodeo practises that cause harm to animals for several years. The original version of the ban focused on particularly harmful devices including electric prods, spurs lassos, and bucking straps. But as public and political support developed for further animal protections, the ban evolved into a full ban on rodeos in the city.
“Today the Los Angeles City Council sent a message - that an ordinance is needed to protect animals from inhumane practices and suffering that take place at rodeo events,” said Animal Legal Defense Fund’s campaigns manager Matt Rossell. “We thank Councilmember Blumenfield for his leadership and advocates for their efforts to pass the ordinance and we look forward to a final passing vote.”
There will be exceptions to the ban including for cultural events like charrería, but they must ensure certain welfare conditions are met including no “roping an animal” or “attempting to ride a bucking animal”, the Los Angeles Times reports.
The Problem with Rodeos
Animal welfare advocates have long criticized rodeos for animal cruelty. The Animal Legal Defense Fund, who have long campaigned against the issue, explain that rodeos use inhumane and painful devices like electric prods and flank straps to encourage aggressive behavior and exaggerated bucking in bulls and horses. As a result, animals can suffer injuries including broken backs and legs.
Roping events are singled out as being particularly violent, too, with calves stopped forcefully by a lasso around their neck while running at full speed. This slams the animal to the ground, which can result in punctured lungs, internal organ damage, snapped necks, and agonizing deaths.
And injuries that do take place at rodeos, are “chronically underreported” according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
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