Hunters in the US would be banned from importing hunting trophies of endangered species, proposes new bill

If passed, the legislation will help curb the negative impact of trophy hunts, which are said to kill more than 100,000 animals each year. 

A new bill is aiming to protect endangered wildlife from the threat of trophy hunting. 

As part of the proposed legislation, a trophy of any species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act would be prohibited from being brought into the US. 

It would also ban domestic trophy hunting within the US which targets a listed endangered species.

Known as the ProTECT Act (H.R.1934), the bill was reintroduced March 6 by Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA). 

“When people choose to kill animals to take home as trophies, they’re being selfish and inhumane,” Lieu said. “This is especially true when it comes to endangered species, which are already at perilous risk of going extinct.”

According to the bill’s supporters, endangered wildlife at risk of being killed in trophy hunts are already facing many other grave threats, including habitat loss and climate.

Animal welfare and conservation groups welcomed the bill’s reintroduction, and pointed out how trophy hunting allows a small and often wealthy minority to have a huge, negative impact on endangered wildlife.

“Let’s not cater to the interests of wealthy hunters who care more about mounting a dead animal’s head on a wall than protecting disappearing species,” said Susan Millward, executive director at the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI). “Killing [endangered animals] for sport makes absolutely no sense if we want to save them from extinction.”

The advocacy group says that there is no credible scientific evidence that trophy hunting benefits conservation. Studies have instead shown that charismatic species are worth more alive as tourist attractions than dead at the hands of a trophy hunter.

Trophy hunting can also have knock-on effects within the structure and viability of already vulnerable wild populations. As big game hunters target the largest, strongest animals for trophies, this process can result in enormous upheaval for surviving members of the groups, and disrupt social bonds and behaviors.

It is estimated that over 100,000 animals are killed by trophy hunting each year. 

Speak out against the trophy hunting of endangered wildlife: join Species Unite in calling on Congress to pass the ProTECT Act. Add your name in support here

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