Live Podcast Event: This Conversation Will Change How You See Chickens
When: 16 June 2023 | 12-1pm ET
Please join Elizabeth Novogratz, Species Unite Founder and Executive Director, and Karen Davis, Ph.D., the President and Founder of United Poultry Concerns for a captivating conversation about Karen's transformative journey in advocating for the compassionate and respectful treatment of domesticated birds.
Karen and Rainbow. Credit: Unparalleled Suffering Photography
Meet the Speaker
Karen Davis, Ph.D. is the President and Founder of United Poultry Concerns, a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domesticated birds including a sanctuary for chickens in Virginia. Inducted into the National Animal Rights Hall of Fame for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Liberation, Karen is the author of numerous books, essays, articles and campaigns. Her latest book is For the Birds - From Exploitation to Liberation: Essays on Chickens, Turkeys, and Other Domesticated Fowl published by Lantern Publishing & Media. Karen hosts a biweekly podcast series titled Thinking Like a Chicken - News & Views!